Long gone are the days of ghetto blasters and monster speakers—now we pump music directly into our eardrums with EarPods and AirPods. Noise-induced hearing loss is a real problem, though, with millions of people damaging their hearing by playing music too loud, sometimes inadvertently. Happily, iOS can help protect your ears, and those of your […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/turn-down-the-music-eh-what-did-you-say.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-09-01 09:27:262017-09-18 22:01:10How to limit the volume on iOS.
It’s a lot easier to take photos than it is to delete them, particularly in Photos on the Mac. You’ve done the dance: select a photo, press Delete, and press Return when Photos asks if you want to delete the photo. But you can sidestep that annoying dialog with this simple trick: press Command-Delete instead […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/the-easy-shortcut-to-delete-unwanted-photos-quickly.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-09-01 09:26:382017-09-18 21:58:15The Easy Shortcut to Delete Unwanted Photos Quickly
The iPhone’s Maps app automatically records where you park your car as long as the iPhone is connected to the car’s Bluetooth system. It even notifies you of this when you get out of the car. But how do you get back to the car after you’ve done your errands? Just bring up Maps, and […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/did-you-know-your-iphone-can-help-you-find-your-parked-car.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-09-01 09:25:502017-09-18 21:54:18Did You Know Your iPhone Can Help You Find Your Parked Car?
A major change in macOS 10.13 High Sierra is the switch to Apple’s new Apple File System, or APFS. With any luck, you’ll barely notice the change, just as almost no one did earlier this year when Apple updated millions of iOS devices to APFS with iOS 10.3. But let’s unpack what APFS is, why […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/what-is-apfs-and-why-should-you-care.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-09-01 09:23:012017-09-18 21:51:58What Is APFS (and Why Should You Care)?
Finding good Internet access for your Mac or Wi-Fi-only iPad while traveling can be maddening. Look in your Wi-Fi menu while sitting in an airport and you’ll see a bunch of networks, most of which require a password or won’t connect for other reasons. It isn’t any better when you reach your destination, since many […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/use-personal-hotspot-tethering-to-avoid-dodgy-wi-fi-while-traveling.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-09-01 09:22:212017-09-18 21:46:25Use Personal Hotspot Tethering to Avoid Dodgy Wi-Fi While Traveling
If you’re over 40, you probably remember the point in The Wizard of Oz where the movie switches from black-and-white to Technicolor (and if not, go see it!). It wasn’t the first color film, but the vibrant images of Dorothy’s ruby slippers, the yellow brick road, and the Emerald City helped make the movie an […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/learn-to-use-the-color-picker-put-some-color-in-your-mac.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-09-01 09:21:042017-09-18 21:39:31Learn to Use the Color Picker: Put Some Color in Your Mac
Assuming Apple continues its previous practices, once macOS 10.13 High Sierra comes out, it will become impossible to download 10.12 Sierra for the first time. That could be awkward if you want to upgrade an older Mac to Sierra at any point after High Sierra ships, since you won’t be able to get Sierra then. […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/make-sure-to-get-sierra-before-high-sierra-ships.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-09-01 08:08:162017-09-18 21:35:32Make Sure to Get Sierra before High Sierra Ships
To every thing there is a season, and we’re fast approaching the time when Apple harvests the fruit of the last year and releases new versions of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. There are no major surprises here, since Apple announced the new versions in June and public betas have been available since that announcement. […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/when-should-you-upgrade-to-macos-10-13-high-sierra-ios-11-watchos-4-and-tvos-11.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-09-01 08:04:102017-09-15 20:48:17When Should You Upgrade to macOS 10.13 High Sierra, iOS 11, watchOS 4, and tvOS 11?
When you click the green zoom button in a window on your Mac, that puts the window into full-screen mode. It’s a great way to maximize screen real estate on a smaller MacBook screen, for instance, but how can you switch between these virtual screens quickly? You could swipe up on the trackpad with four […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/the-fastest-ways-to-switch-between-virtual-screens-on-your-mac.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-08-01 12:07:272017-08-18 18:39:58The Fastest Ways to Switch between Virtual Screens on Your Mac
Want a faster way to reply to a conversation in Messages? If you see a Messages notification on the Lock screen of your iPhone 6s or later, press and hold on it to expand it into an interactive box where you can reply without unlocking your iPhone or navigating into the Messages app. It’s perfect […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/reply-quickly-to-messages-on-your-iphones-lock-screen.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-08-01 12:06:332017-08-18 18:40:08Reply Quickly to Messages on Your iPhone’s Lock Screen
We’ve all hit a Web page at some point that doesn’t load fully, looks wrong, or doesn’t work as it should. It’s not your fault, but here are a few things you can try on your Mac. First, press Command-R to reload the page. Second, quit and relaunch Safari. Third and finally, try a different […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/heres-your-30-second-crash-course-in-dealing-with-broken-web-pages.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-08-01 12:05:132017-08-18 18:42:01Here’s Your 30-second Crash Course in Dealing with Broken Web Pages
Increase Text Size Although not every app supports it, Apple has a technology called Dynamic Type that lets you set your preferred text size. In Settings > Display & Brightness > Text Size, you’ll find a text size slider, and you can see how it affects text in the iOS interface by moving around […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/four-ways-to-make-the-iphone-easier-to-read-without-glasses.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-08-01 12:04:322017-08-18 18:42:08Four Ways to Make the iPhone Easier to Read without Glasses
There’s a French culinary phrase—mise en place—that means “everything in its place.” The idea is that, before you start cooking, you organize and arrange all the ingredients for the dish so they’re right at hand when you need them. In essence, mise en place is about being well-prepared for the task at hand. You can, […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/get-to-work-more-quickly-with-the-right-mac-login-items.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-08-01 12:03:152017-08-18 18:45:30Get to Work More Quickly with the Right Mac Login Items
Has your iPhone replaced your alarm clock? Would you like it to? Using an iPhone as an alarm clock has a lot of benefits. You can choose from a wide variety of non-obnoxious sounds or even pick your favorite song. It’s easy to set an alarm—no more holding down buttons and letting up at just […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/how-to-use-siri-to-set-ios-alarms.jpg8001278MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-08-01 12:02:272017-08-18 18:51:16How to Use Siri to Set iOS Alarms
It’s easy to find and open the Mac’s standard menus—all you do is click a word or icon. But did you know about the Mac’s hidden menus? They contain many useful commands, but the Mac’s user interface provides no clue to their existence. Here’s what you need to know. What’s in a Name? These menus […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/uncovering-the-macs-hidden-menus.jpg8091273MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-08-01 12:01:512017-08-18 18:53:15Uncovering the Mac’s Hidden Menus
You know all those status icons on the right side of your Mac’s menu bar? Many of them are useful, but if your menu bar is cluttered with icons you don’t need, you can make your Mac easier to use by removing the extras. Just hold down the Command key and drag an offending icon […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/clear-your-mac-desktop-by-removing-unnecessary-menu-bar-status-icons.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-07-03 10:07:092017-07-31 21:30:41Clear Your Mac Desktop by Removing Unnecessary Menu Bar Status Icons
Have you ever found your iPhone showing “No Service” in the upper-left corner instead cell service bubbles, even when you know there should be cellular reception in your location? It doesn’t happen often, but the iPhone has been known to lose connectivity when it shouldn’t. To fix this problem, open Control Center by swiping up […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/how-to-recover-from-the-dreaded-no-service-on-your-iphone.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-07-03 10:06:562017-07-31 21:34:48How to Recover from the Dreaded “No Service” on Your iPhone
When you work in a Finder window on the Mac, take note of the helpful Status bar. It can tell you how many items are in a folder, as well as how many items you have selected. This latter bit of information is useful if, say, you need to move five items to another folder […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/count-selected-items-in-a-folder-with-the-finders-status-bar.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-07-03 10:05:562017-09-06 14:25:28Count Selected Items in a Folder with the Finder’s Status Bar
You’re probably used to Mac apps using red underlines to mark misspelled words, but did you know that macOS has long included a fully featured Dictionary app as well? It provides quick access to definitions and synonyms in the New Oxford American Dictionary and the Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus, along with definitions of Apple-specific words […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/did-you-know-apple-hid-huge-reference-books-in-your-mac.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-07-03 10:04:102017-09-06 14:10:25Did You Know Apple Hid Huge Reference Books in Your Mac?
Apple is known for creating clever little features that do a lot more than most people realize. Learn these, and you’ll be the master of your Mac. And more important, you’ll get your work done more quickly! Have you ever noticed the Path Bar at the bottom of Finder windows? It may or may not […]
https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/finder-secrets-navigating-your-folder-hierarchy-with-the-path-bar.jpg8001280MLWPadminNEW2https://maclifeboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/MacLife-Logo-Finals-copy-3-300x187.pngMLWPadminNEW22017-07-03 10:03:202017-09-06 13:31:19Finder Secrets: Navigating Your Folder Hierarchy with the Path Bar
How to limit the volume on iOS.
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2Long gone are the days of ghetto blasters and monster speakers—now we pump music directly into our eardrums with EarPods and AirPods. Noise-induced hearing loss is a real problem, though, with millions of people damaging their hearing by playing music too loud, sometimes inadvertently. Happily, iOS can help protect your ears, and those of your […]
The Easy Shortcut to Delete Unwanted Photos Quickly
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2It’s a lot easier to take photos than it is to delete them, particularly in Photos on the Mac. You’ve done the dance: select a photo, press Delete, and press Return when Photos asks if you want to delete the photo. But you can sidestep that annoying dialog with this simple trick: press Command-Delete instead […]
Did You Know Your iPhone Can Help You Find Your Parked Car?
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2The iPhone’s Maps app automatically records where you park your car as long as the iPhone is connected to the car’s Bluetooth system. It even notifies you of this when you get out of the car. But how do you get back to the car after you’ve done your errands? Just bring up Maps, and […]
What Is APFS (and Why Should You Care)?
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2A major change in macOS 10.13 High Sierra is the switch to Apple’s new Apple File System, or APFS. With any luck, you’ll barely notice the change, just as almost no one did earlier this year when Apple updated millions of iOS devices to APFS with iOS 10.3. But let’s unpack what APFS is, why […]
Use Personal Hotspot Tethering to Avoid Dodgy Wi-Fi While Traveling
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2Finding good Internet access for your Mac or Wi-Fi-only iPad while traveling can be maddening. Look in your Wi-Fi menu while sitting in an airport and you’ll see a bunch of networks, most of which require a password or won’t connect for other reasons. It isn’t any better when you reach your destination, since many […]
Learn to Use the Color Picker: Put Some Color in Your Mac
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2If you’re over 40, you probably remember the point in The Wizard of Oz where the movie switches from black-and-white to Technicolor (and if not, go see it!). It wasn’t the first color film, but the vibrant images of Dorothy’s ruby slippers, the yellow brick road, and the Emerald City helped make the movie an […]
Make Sure to Get Sierra before High Sierra Ships
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2Assuming Apple continues its previous practices, once macOS 10.13 High Sierra comes out, it will become impossible to download 10.12 Sierra for the first time. That could be awkward if you want to upgrade an older Mac to Sierra at any point after High Sierra ships, since you won’t be able to get Sierra then. […]
When Should You Upgrade to macOS 10.13 High Sierra, iOS 11, watchOS 4, and tvOS 11?
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2To every thing there is a season, and we’re fast approaching the time when Apple harvests the fruit of the last year and releases new versions of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. There are no major surprises here, since Apple announced the new versions in June and public betas have been available since that announcement. […]
The Fastest Ways to Switch between Virtual Screens on Your Mac
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2When you click the green zoom button in a window on your Mac, that puts the window into full-screen mode. It’s a great way to maximize screen real estate on a smaller MacBook screen, for instance, but how can you switch between these virtual screens quickly? You could swipe up on the trackpad with four […]
Reply Quickly to Messages on Your iPhone’s Lock Screen
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2Want a faster way to reply to a conversation in Messages? If you see a Messages notification on the Lock screen of your iPhone 6s or later, press and hold on it to expand it into an interactive box where you can reply without unlocking your iPhone or navigating into the Messages app. It’s perfect […]
Here’s Your 30-second Crash Course in Dealing with Broken Web Pages
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2We’ve all hit a Web page at some point that doesn’t load fully, looks wrong, or doesn’t work as it should. It’s not your fault, but here are a few things you can try on your Mac. First, press Command-R to reload the page. Second, quit and relaunch Safari. Third and finally, try a different […]
Four Ways to Make the iPhone Easier to Read without Glasses
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2Increase Text Size Although not every app supports it, Apple has a technology called Dynamic Type that lets you set your preferred text size. In Settings > Display & Brightness > Text Size, you’ll find a text size slider, and you can see how it affects text in the iOS interface by moving around […]
Get to Work More Quickly with the Right Mac Login Items
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2There’s a French culinary phrase—mise en place—that means “everything in its place.” The idea is that, before you start cooking, you organize and arrange all the ingredients for the dish so they’re right at hand when you need them. In essence, mise en place is about being well-prepared for the task at hand. You can, […]
How to Use Siri to Set iOS Alarms
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2Has your iPhone replaced your alarm clock? Would you like it to? Using an iPhone as an alarm clock has a lot of benefits. You can choose from a wide variety of non-obnoxious sounds or even pick your favorite song. It’s easy to set an alarm—no more holding down buttons and letting up at just […]
Uncovering the Mac’s Hidden Menus
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2It’s easy to find and open the Mac’s standard menus—all you do is click a word or icon. But did you know about the Mac’s hidden menus? They contain many useful commands, but the Mac’s user interface provides no clue to their existence. Here’s what you need to know. What’s in a Name? These menus […]
Clear Your Mac Desktop by Removing Unnecessary Menu Bar Status Icons
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2You know all those status icons on the right side of your Mac’s menu bar? Many of them are useful, but if your menu bar is cluttered with icons you don’t need, you can make your Mac easier to use by removing the extras. Just hold down the Command key and drag an offending icon […]
How to Recover from the Dreaded “No Service” on Your iPhone
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2Have you ever found your iPhone showing “No Service” in the upper-left corner instead cell service bubbles, even when you know there should be cellular reception in your location? It doesn’t happen often, but the iPhone has been known to lose connectivity when it shouldn’t. To fix this problem, open Control Center by swiping up […]
Count Selected Items in a Folder with the Finder’s Status Bar
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2When you work in a Finder window on the Mac, take note of the helpful Status bar. It can tell you how many items are in a folder, as well as how many items you have selected. This latter bit of information is useful if, say, you need to move five items to another folder […]
Did You Know Apple Hid Huge Reference Books in Your Mac?
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2You’re probably used to Mac apps using red underlines to mark misspelled words, but did you know that macOS has long included a fully featured Dictionary app as well? It provides quick access to definitions and synonyms in the New Oxford American Dictionary and the Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus, along with definitions of Apple-specific words […]
Finder Secrets: Navigating Your Folder Hierarchy with the Path Bar
/in Internet, iOS 10, iPhone, MacBook Pro, macOS 10.12 Sierra, OS X /by MLWPadminNEW2Apple is known for creating clever little features that do a lot more than most people realize. Learn these, and you’ll be the master of your Mac. And more important, you’ll get your work done more quickly! Have you ever noticed the Path Bar at the bottom of Finder windows? It may or may not […]