Find Buried Options in the iOS Settings App

by Adam Engst | Jun 1, 2016 iOS 10 offers about 40 top-level categories in its Settings app and seemingly innumerable options in those categories. How can you find a little-used setting, particularly since Apple sometimes moves things between categories during major iOS releases? The solution is the Settings app’s hidden Search field. To reveal it, pull down […]

Find System Preferences Faster by Sorting Alphabetically

by Adam Engst | May 1, 2016 By default, System Preferences in OS X organizes its preference panes by category. However, it doesn’t label the categories, making the organization nearly inscrutable. If you have trouble finding the Accessibility preference pane, for instance, which ends up in the bottom right when sorted by category, there’s a better way. With […]

Find on Page in Safari in iOS

by Adam Engst | May 1, 2016 Picture yourself looking for something specific on a long Web page on the small iPhone screen. Did you know that you can search through just the text of the page? Tap the Share button, and in the bottom row of icons, swipe left until you see Find on Page. Tap that, […]

Type Accented Characters and URLs Faster in iOS

by Adam Engst | May 1, 2016 Did you know that many keys on the small iPhone keyboard are hiding additional characters? To type an O with an umlaut, for instance, press and hold the O key, and a popover appears with accented variants of O. Without lifting your finger, slide it over the Ö and then pick […]

Why IMAP Is Better than POP for Email

by Adam Engst | May 1, 2016 When you read an email message on your iPhone and delete it, do you have to trash it again when you check mail on your Mac? Or is your email kept in sync such that if you delete a message on one system, it never even appears on the other? If […]